Surround yourself with people who make you hungry for life, touch your heart, and nourish your soul. #hungryforlife #touchyourheart #nourishyoursoul #motivationmonday #cowboyclassicsaddlery #saddle #leather #stephenville
She got hay or halters? Halters, get ready to run!
Take Better Horse Portraits
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Barrel Racers
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Barrel Racers #7habitsofhighlyeffectivebarrelracers #barrelracers #sevenhabits #cowboyclassicsaddlery #saddle #leather #stephenville
My goal with the horses is not to beat someone. It’s to win within myself. To do the best job I can do and tomorrow to try to do better. You’ll be working on yourself to accomplish this, not your horse. – Ray Hunt
My goal with the horses is not to beat someone. It’s to win within myself. To do the best job I can do and tomorrow to try to do better. You’ll be working on yourself to accomplish this, not your horse. – Ray Hunt #rayhunt #horseisamirror #cowboyclassicsaddlery #saddle #leather #stephenville
Horsey Hangover…
Horsey Hangover… #horseyhangover #exhaustion #dirt #barn #longweekendriding #fridayfunny #cowboyclassicsaddlery #saddle #leather #stephenville
Intro to Equine Dentistry
How do I keep my horse hydrated during the winter? An equine vet offers some tips on how to keep your horse hydrated and healthy during the winter months
How do I keep my horse hydrated during the winter? An equine vet offers some tips on how to keep your horse hydrated and healthy during the winter months. #horse #hydrated #horsehydrated #winter #cowboyclassicsaddlery #saddle #leather #stephenville
Don’t wish for it, work for it.
When I mistakenly bring treats for just one horse…
When I mistakenly bring treats for just one horse in the pasture. #treats #pasture #fridayfunny #cowboyclassicsaddlery #saddle #leather #stephenville